Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Snake Attack

My beloved husband awoke me this morning just before 4 o'clock with a spaztic fit. "There's a snake on me!" he said as he flailed wildly, crawling over me with his arms lashing at the darkness. He then fell out of bed and half-stood, stomping and struggling with the invisible force. This led me to belive that he was wrestling with an intruder, and I may have screamed. It all seemed so real at the time, the way these things do. I thought we were toast. After a few seconds, I switched on the bedside lamp and saw Joe, naked and terrified, with no intruder and no snake. We both went back to bed, but it took a long while to calm down.

In his frantic attempt to shed himself of the imaginary snake, Joe somehow mahed his hand up against my earlobe, which today is red and sore but not swollen. He also broke one of the rods on our drying rack, but a little glue will fix that right up.

This is not the first time spectres of snake attacks have ripped Joe from his slumber. I guess it's a theme with him, an Indiana Jones snake pit kind of terror. Me, I'm not scared of snakes, but I am scared of Joe being scared of snakes. What horror.


Blogger Joe said...

So strange, it seemed so real. I hate snakes, but if I see one while hiking, etc...it does not scare me too much, I think it's just the thought of me being in bed with a snake or a enclosed area with no escape. I think snakes are pretty much useless animals, and they are not attractive to me in the least. People who have snakes for pets have problems.

9:56 AM  
Blogger .. said...

i've been thinking about this. Joe, stay on the meds. Serious. I don't mean that as a friend of a friend not as a dirt or anything. This is all to odd. have you ever had a snake-bite or anything. Maybe it's some kind of fear of Cobra Commander or Destro you heald over from childhood...

2:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have "night terrors" on a near-nightly basis. One night, they were so bad I jumped straight up and leapt over Amy like some kinda goddamn early hominid or something, running into the great room and stopping, standing, blinking, cock dangling. The dream-theme is usually the house has transformed in a bad way, or animals are out to get me. I laughed heartily reading about Joe's snakes, and felt better about my own sorry somnambular state.

7:50 PM  

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