Monday, November 14, 2005

Budget Cuts

The small capitalist nation that is Joe and I is in the midst of a budget crisis. Well, it's really just my nation--Joe's part of it is okay. But I am facing the prospect of a mounting defecit, with no revenue in the immediate future. Unlike certain other nations, however, I have the foresight to anticipate financial quagmires and thus am strategizing with cost-cutting measures. No more dinners at restaurants with table service. From now on, if I go to a coffee shop franchise, it's nothing but hot tea (always the cheapest warm beverage item). All Christmas gifts this year will be handmade from items we already own. Alcohol consumption must plummet (either that or I cultivate a love for mixed drinks, as we do have a pretty decent stash of hooch). No clothing, book, magazine, or music purchases unless absolutely necessary (e.g. I'd need a new pair of black shoes to wear to a new job). No motion pictures unless they are at matinee prices or $1 budget cinema chains. No movie rentals.

If I play my cards carefully, I'll be able to coast through the end of this month and the very beginning of next month. However, I'm unsure of what will follow. One job prospect may require a trip across the country, which would not be cheap. Then there's things like auto and health insurance, the January trip to Mexico that I put a deposit in for but still owe a good chunk on, my final car payment, and the trip to San Luis Obispo that Joe wants to take for Christmas. I'm all in favor of travel and fun, but the prospect of mounting debt is terrifying. Many folks have it worse, but I don't want to rack up debt just by everyday living. Debt is for emergencies and major life aquisitions/transitions (moving, house, car, unforseen medical nighmares), not crap like PG & E bills.

I think I may try to back out of the Mexico trip. Bummer, but I got myself into this financial position in the first place, and I can 'fess up to my duties.

Worse comes to worse I have Joe to step in and cover some of these costs--he is, after all, my husband. But it's not like he's Daddy Warbucks or nothin'. I guess the fun of marital money matters begins for us now.


Blogger Joe said...

Money Schmoney

4:24 PM  
Blogger .. said...

uhm, i think maybe you miss the idea of marriage. Sara debt=joe debt. You guys don't own anything individually you own shit together. gay but true. Oh, i saw the LORDS OF DOGTOWN. It blew ass. Who cares. Sell more eggs. I don't think you should eat out at all, seeing as how you are a good cook and all. Restaraunts while cool are a HYOOOOOGE money waster...

11:01 AM  

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