Friday, November 11, 2005

Bike Wreck

Well, my five minutes of local radio exposure has come and gone. It was fun, though. Funny, because doing this thing took me from 6:30am (waking up and getting dressed) to 8 (arriving at the station). It's 10:53 and I'm just selling in here at home. Of course, I did stop for post-radio coffee and a maple scone. Mmm, maple scone.

On the way home I passed an accident. There was bad traffic and it slowed eveything down. Some guy slid on his motorcycle (or, more accurately, *off* his motorcycle) on a 2-lane overpass on 101. I drove right past the ambulence and accident scene. The empty stretcher was there, waiting for him. The guy was on the ground against the barricade. I saw his bare legs--he was wearing shorts--but that's it. The paramedics were getting ready to transfer him to the stretcher right as I passed. I was a rubbernecker, what can I say? I really wanted to get a good look at the accident, but safety and respect got the best of me. Funny, I always avert my eyes when I see scary movies--but real life, whoa! That's a whole other ballgame. I think in real life, scary things are scarier after they happen.


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