Friday, September 23, 2005

Dicks Get Dicked

Yesterday while I was running, a woman making a right turn onto a driveway I was crossing stopped to let me pass. The woman driving the car behind the nice driver honked her horn impatiently. I waved and nodded to the nice driver, and then when the mean driver passed by, I looked right at her and yelled "BITCH."

I get real catty and impatient when I run. I know, drivers have a lot to pay attention to and stuff. I've nearly hit a few stupid pedestrians myself. But, when you're traveling urban or suburban streets on foot, you have to be a little bold and saucy or you'll never make it across the street.

After thinking about it, I felt badly for yelling at the mean driver, who probably just thought the nice lady who didn't run me over was just some incompetent driver. I'd have honked my horn, too. LAst week I totally spaced out and ran a red light on Solano Avenue, right where they just switched up all of these lanes and stuff. The sun was in my eyes and I got confused. This car cut me off and I honked my horn and yelled, only to realize I was at fault. I am an awful person.

I'm still mad at Bryan for flaking on my wedding and then just faling off the face of the earth as a friend. But I have a story, too. This guy I knew, Felix, was always really nice to me. We volunteered on the staff of this music magazine together. Pretty much everyone on staff had some kind of ego millstone around their neck (including me, sometimes). But Felix, even though he's kind of a nut, was always cool to me. I moved and the magazine folded and Felix and I kinda lost touch, but he got engaged to a good-hearted girl from his hometown and they invoted me to their wedding. I mailed back the reply card, saying Joe and I would be there, but I never got around to making plans to go. I was under the assumption it was a 4-hour drive, and the I discovered it was way more than that.

We flaked. I flaked. I still feel awful about it. I made Felix and Stephanie a mix tape as a wedding present and sent it with (I hope) an apology, but I never heard back. Maybe they hate me, maybe not. But I now understand how much it hurts your feelings to have a friend flake out on a wedding. It's weird, but you have to have a wedding to see what it's like. I got what I deserved, I guess. But I'm still pissed at Bryan. Me and Joe's wedding was awesome and Bryan, you are a fucking dummy shithead for not making it.


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