Monday, September 19, 2005

New Sofa

I just noticed the scrolling list of "Recently Updated Blogs" on the Blogger homepage. It's mesmerizing to watch...the blogs go by, some looking boring and others promising. I went to a few, but they were all boring. Most folks would probably think old Sneey & Tacky is boring and pointless, too. But my five regular readers know better. Besides, the more blogs you look at, the more time you waste. Stop reading this now and go clean your room or take a bike ride!

Last night we aquired a new sofa. Before we had a dumpy old loveseat, and it was too small for Joe and I to both lay on at the same time. Plus if folks ever stayed with us, they could never crash on the sofa because we didn't have one. The loveseat had tire marks on some of its cushions, but I hid them under one of those tie-on covers. The cover sagged and wrinkled with the loveseat's cushions, and I was always tucking it back into the crevices.

So my friend and former co-worker gave us his sofa. It's clean and long. We're going to get rid of the loveseat by leaving it on the curb, but the slipcover may have to go with it--otherwise no one will take it. Leave a comment if you are interested in aquiring this lovely hand-covered artifact FOR FREE.


Blogger Joe said...

No weird smell on that loveseat as well, so you don't have to worry about a foreign stink taking over your house, which happens quite a bit when you acquire stranger's old couches.

11:51 AM  

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