Friday, September 09, 2005

Kitty Returns

Joe and I were walking back from a trip to the lovely local shopping center, each of us carrying a bag of groceries. It was getting close to 9pm, dark outside and a little chilly. We rounded the corner to our apartment building. "What if the cat is back tonight," I joked.

"That would be weird, I'd--" Joe broke off. There, on the stairs to the apartment's second story, was the cat. That same crazy cat, white with black spots and a jungle bell collar.

We tried to hide, but kitty busted us and sprinted to our apartment's front door. We tried to shoo it away, but that didn't work. So we tricked it by walking around the long way and then splitting up, first Joe and then me. It didn't fool the kitty too well, but it did bide us enough time to make it inside...alone.

"I'm not letting that poor cat in, no way. We can't sleep with it in here."

I agreed, but it's hard. Hard to leave such a lovable cat out there alone and scared. Heck, maybe the cat is not scared, just manipulative. It scooted its mewing to all of the three other units in our apartment, and it got rejected at every one. Thoundands of hurricaine refugees out there, destitute and displaced, and we can't even help out a cat.

This morning, once again, the cat was nowhere to be found. Maybe its people let it out at night, and that's when kitty hits the town. At least I hope so. Maybe if I see the cat tonight I'll trap it somehow and then take it to a shelter. I want to love the cat, but we can't now. We don't have enough love in us.


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