Thursday, July 14, 2005

Sugar Tooth

I ate two cupcakes for breakfast this morning: one yellow cupcake and one chocolate cupcake, both with white icing. The icing was a failed batch of Seven-Minute Icing, which is a cooked icing made of egg whites and sugar that's snow-white and fluffy. You need a rotary beater to properly make Seven-Minute Icing, but I only have a standing mixer; I tried to adapt the recipe to use it instead of the rotary beater, but the icing didn't fluff up in the appropriate way. I iced the cupcakes with the stunted icing anyhow. This was last night, when I ate about five cupcakes. In the past fourteen hours, my poor belly has received nothing but cupcakes. I can feel the crusty sugar icing rotting my teeth away at this very moment...I made the cupcakes to test them out for the wedding. Everything is for the wedding, it seems. How did a simple afternoon in a park develop into this elaborate tangle of planning? I've always felt disdain for big weddings, but I fear that ours has mutated into one--and it's *our* doing. You go to weddings and notice this and that--adorable but useless favors, string quartets playing "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring," fancy arrangements of cake layers, floral centerpieces--and think "Geez, I have no need or interest in this stuff." But you do...oh yes, in truth, a fierce little part of you *does* want these things, and, in spite of every independent fiber of your being bending otherwise, you WILL have these things. You WILL care about what color and font is used on your program, and which churchy song you play as a processional, and what silly little favor you can inscribe your names on. J & S, or Joe & Sara. Joe is pretty clueless about all of this stuff. He has the right idea. Me, it's too late for me. I've got a mother and a future mother-in-law chirping at me from two coasts about flower arrangements and canopies and all of this shit. I want to not care, but it's too late now. I activated the landslide, and all there is left to do is slide with it until it all compounds into what will hopefully be a really cool day one month from now. I want to have fun and I want other people to have fun, and that's what all of this work is for. I hope.


Blogger Joe said...

We will have fun, and it still won't end up being a BIG wedding, we already know that! Triple lindy Eh!

12:20 PM  

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