Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Too Much Nature

It's raining. Again. Today is the millionth day in a row that had brought us rain. Someday I'll be stuck in a relentless summer heat wave and drought, and I'll miss the splashy days. From my home office I can see a tree in the neighbor's yard, a tree with green busd of leaves. That's nice. The green really stands out against the gray sky.

I think of West Virginia as a very green and gray place. The mountains hunch over the landscape, making the dense forests dark and shadowy. It's a wonderful place. If you want to learn more about the very special hot dogs of West Virginia, visit this excellent blog.


Blogger factory_peasant said...

i escaped the rain for 5 days and hid out in southern arizona. i always thought of the desert as a wasteland and wondered why anybody in their right mind would want to be there... now i understand. it's actually beautiful and having summer-like weather all year round is kind of appealing. when i left here last week it was raining. nothing but sun and blue sky there. when i came home it was still raining.

i'm seriously thinking some real estate in the desert might be a good idea...

2:02 PM  

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