Monday, October 17, 2005


I had a super-freaky dream about earthquakes and tsunamis taking out most of the Bay Area. in the dream, I was on a cruise ship in the bay and, for some reason, the tsunami didn't take out the cruise ship. It was tossing around like crazy, though. This dream woke me up around five or six this morning, and I was so messed up from it that I didn't get out of bed until almost 9.

I hope that's not a bad thing. Maybe I was just tired. How did I spend this weekend? I spent this weekend not writing.

-Friday: Joe called in sick to work. We went to the UC Berkeley Botanical Garden because I had free passes. Plants are good. We also took out old loveseat to the dump. We had to pay $18 to dump it there. The dump is scary but neat in its own stinky way. Then we met up with my brother and his girlfriend for Chinese food, followed by Tim Burton's "The Corpse Bride" (like all T.B. movies, cool but way overrated).

-Saturday: Made this stuff called cranberry ketchup. It's like regular ketchup, only with cranberries instead of tomatoes. Didn't think regular folks like us could make ketchup, huh? It's fun, try it sometime. That night I was to meet my friend Leslie in the Mission for the Litquake Pub Crawl (dozens of venues, hundreds of writers reading). I put on a Mission-tastic outfit and rode Danger Bike to the BART station. Lit Crawl was cool, plus Leslie's husband is on the board at Luna Park, and we ate yummy food there as her treat. I was pretty buzzed when I took the BART home. Danger Bike was still there, so I'm going to keep on leaving it unlocked as a social experiment to see if anyone will steal it. I rented "My Architect" and then read "Everything Is Illuminated" until Joe came home at 2 in the morning (he'd been at some warehouse party/show in Oakland where his band played).

-Sunday: Made pumpernickel bread and banana cake. Ate at Royal Cafe with Joe. Tried to finish sewing these stupid Piglet stuffed animals, which are hells of hard to make. Walked to the Bulb with Joe and saw a new thing: a two-person swing with toilet lids on the seat. We called it the poop swing but did not swing on it. I finished sewing one Piglet while we watched a stupid Michael Keaton thriller called "White Noise." It's not very thrilling.


Blogger .. said...

i already wrote about white noise. It had the scariest trailer ever but blew ass in a big way. HEY, you can no longer ride "danger bike" you bitched so hard that i want it back. Really. I know plenty of nice people who want a bum bike. Appreciative people.
Oh, i don't know if anyone has told you but you are married now and have to quit doing stuff.. Like going places or whatev'

1:15 PM  

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