Thursday, October 13, 2005

Not Like You Don't Know This...

...but looking for work blows. The best way is to know someone, and I don't know no one. At least not anyone who can get me the kind of job that I'd like.

I'm especially bummed about this now because I just read a short story in the New Yorker (a Conde Nast publication: notoriously hard to get a foot in *their* door) by Jeffrey Eugenides called "Early Music." It's all about professional failure and ther impossibility acheiving a fulfilling artisitc life and still being able to afford three squares a day. Man, what downer. One character makes these mice filled with scented pellets called Mice n' Warm. The other is a failed clavichordist. Me, I'm like both rolled into one.

Maybe I'll just have to get over the writing-for-a-living hangup and get a workaday job to bring home some bacon. A few slices of bacon is enough, but I can't stand splitting the whole day between looking for jobs and trying to get people interested in publishing my articles (the latter is more of a mental workout--all in my brain).

Only me and just about every other person in America feels this way. It's no big deal.


Blogger Nikki H. said...

Hey, I'm employed, and I also found that New Yorker story really, really, really depressing. I wish I had some great job leads for you, but I also am a thwarted creative stuck in a job I would rather not have (but for the income). However, I wanted to leave you a word of encouragement - I DO read your writing on occasion and find it engaging, so please keep doing it, whether it becomes lucrative or not.

10:41 AM  

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