Tuesday, August 23, 2005


I'm married now. So is Joe. That accounts for the two-week gap in posts; first there was wedding prep, then the wedding, then a honeymoon to go on. You'd have to be really nuts or lame to post during any of these consuming and thrilling events. In fact, you'd have to be such a loser that getting married would probably never happen to you in the first place.

It's been a fun and exhausting several weeks. I'm glad they are over now, and just memories that will either sharpen or blur through the lense of time. They are good memories and I am happy to have them to call on when life is dull or discouraging.

Our wedding day was freezing--well, not literally freezing, because no liquids became solids that I know of. But it was very overcast and windy and grey. Erin (my Maid of Honor) and I had goosebumps in our short, sleeveless dresses. Joe looked extremely handsome in his new charcoal suit, and up at our little makeshift altar I was happy to have his warm hands to hold for emotional and physical support. He was warm! I was turning white! Just like a good bride, I suppose.

It was a great day. All of the work and worrying and planning and drama (which, in the case of our wedding, was thankfully low) suddenly seems so worth it--and so behind you. The day slides by like the first grand pitch of a roller coaster, whooshing past with a momentum all its own.

So that's all I'll say about that. We needed the honeymoon to help unwind; I hardly slept the night before and several nights following the wedding, and it was wonderful to abandon the undonw wrapping paper and piles of post-wedding trash littering our apartment. For revity, I'll just post highlights:
-campfires on 3 nights of car camping in lovely natural settings
-Dinosaur Jr. reunion, especially J. Mascis' extra-large Nature Company t-shirt silkscreened with images of snow-shite wolf cubs
-the boat rde around Crater Lake
-visiting Joe's sister and her family in Portland, Oregon

We did heaps of laundry last night and we so burnt for sensory overload that we couldn't even focus enough to decide on a place or thiing to eat. After 8pm we wound up walking to the Sizzler down the street; the anything-goes thought of an endless salad bar appealed to me. So we ate at the depressing Sizzler, and I ate too much, though I do fancy that I got my fill of vegetables and fresh fruits. Joe had Malibu chicken and steak. We split everything like a good married couple does.


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