Thursday, February 02, 2006


I've been feeling wound-up lately. Wound-up in a good way. Yesterday I made a lot of headway on my to-do list, turning in several articles and completing quite a lot of cooking. I wanted to clean the house and go running, too, but I ran out of time. A person can only do so much.

It's disrespectful to people who truly are manic/depressive for me to say this, but I suspect I fall prey to milder versions of such cycles. Maybe it's called being human. In my "depressive" phases I do a lot of reading in the middle of the day. Reading and naps. "Manic" is pretty cool, but I tend to be unfocused and fidgety because I can't decide what to do--there are so many things to choose from! Boo-hoo, the life of an artist is so hard.

Today I have to work. I'll need to leave in a little over an hour. On days when I have to work I get really wound up and want to finish all of these unrealistic projects. For instance, I'll wake up and want to read The New Yorker, vacuum the apartment, check my email, put on makeup, balance my checkbook, revise my novel-in-progress, slap a little entry on the's too much. Especially since I sleep until 8am. I think on days when I do not have to go to my stupid job I don't have such ambition. Why? Why do we always lust after the impossible?

Oh, yesterday I forgot to mention the thing pertaining to the "I Am Famous" portion of my post's title. Another book I've been into is The Best American Recipes 2005-2006. It's a book that's part of the "Best American" series. I got a copy for free because I have a recipe in the book (they paid me, too. Nice!) That's why I'm famous, even though they spelled my name wrong. The check was spelled even wronger: it was made out to Sar Ah Bir. If I ever need a pseudonym, that's gonna be it.

The cookbook itslef is highly enjoyable, and I'm not saying that because I have a recipe in it. I've been having a lot of fun browsing through it, and the headnotes and tips are breezy and helpful. So far I've made mojo pork tenderloin and Hoosier chicken, both of which I'd make again. But not today. I have to clean the house before I go to work.


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