Friday, February 25, 2005

Writers on Writing about Writng

Writers have major guilt issues. I do, at least. Like, if I don't write, I feel all poseur-y and lame...but if I do write, I feel creepy-crawly and get paranoid that I did a horrible job. At least sometimes--especially if I write an article. Every time I submit an article to my editor (and it's usually late), I cower around my email inbox, fearing a vengeful respone, something like: "You SUCK! This is terrible. I am offended that you wasted my time in this manner."

Sometimes I forget that I write for a living. Sure, I don't write the same volume now that I used to, but I do spend a lot of time pecking away at the ol' keyboard. I think it doesn't feel like writing, though--that's the thing. It doesn't feel like writng because it's not the kind of writing that I love. It feels like working.

That's fine. When the guilt settles in, it's good to remember that I spend a lot of time writing straightforward copy. It's a goof way to build up muscle, stay flexible, even if it's not the kind of writring that has any long-term worth whatsoever.

One thing that amazes me is how much writers write about the craft of writing. Go to the bookstore or library and you'll see a zillion "Blah Blah on Writing" kinda titles. What's up with this? Musicians don't write songs about wiring music. I'm going to edit an anthology one day called "Writers on Writing about Writing."


Blogger .. said...

i suppose that those feelings you have in regards to sucking are somewhat grounded in fact. I mean otherwise why would you have them? It isn't like your mind ever plays any sort of trick or whatever... dude, i want a girlfriend as cool as uhm Kim Deal, it's a Dandy's song... or something..

11:13 AM  
Blogger Joe said...

Work part time, finish the novel, and bask in the glory. Sound good? Now Eh! to it.

11:56 AM  

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