Tuesday, February 22, 2005

8 Hours Too Many

Working full-time blows. I like the part where I make more money, but my productivity on the writing front has gone downhill. All for some snobby chocolate company. Everyone in America does this. We all waste our time in stupid office jobs where things are managed so poorly that working hard is a moot point...or places where working hard is a requirement, but the actual mission of the company is a joke, like making grommets for Sharper Image catalogue items. Why do we waste our lives in this fasion?

It's the three-day weekend that did it to me. Ideally I'd finish up all of my loose ends, but that extra day actually opens up more avenues, more unfinished projects to stick your finers in. I think 32 hours a week should count as full0time employment. I think everyone would be more efficent with those 32 hours if they had the other 8 to themselves.


Blogger Joe said...

Hey, I'm doing that right now - 32 hours a week. But maybe I shouldn't? I start feelin' guilty. Could it be that I actually miss the Filipino gangsters, douchebags, and wannabe white boy hip hop guys from this place on my Thursdays off?? Say it isn't so!!

1:40 PM  

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