Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Drunk Driver

Last night I came home drunk. It wasn't a violent, beat-your-spouse drunk, or a pathetic depression drunk, just a goofy drunk. I wanted to sneak in the door and slip behind Mr. Bir Toujour and surprise him by jumping in his lap, but that didn't work because he heard me coming in, and he hid from me behind a door to surprise *me*.

I had been out with work friends at this bar in Oakland. We were having fun, people were being nice and buying me beers. The DJ was playing stuff like Joy Division, Brian Eno, and Echo & the Bunnymen. I ate a hamburger with a huge pile of fries.

We left the bar around 11:00. I sauntered crookedly to my car in the drizzle, across the street and across the multicolored blinking reflection of the Paramount Theatre marquis in the puddles and rain slicks on the blacktop. I don't know my way around Oakland very well, but I did know my way home.

One of Joe's old mix tapes was in my car. I listened to the Stone Roses pretty loud, and then I remembered that this one really great My Bloody Valentine song was on the end of the tape, so I fast-forwareded and swerved all over 1-580 trying to cue up the song.

Did you ever drive drunk by yourself, with nothing there to distract you but your music? It's one of my favorite things ever. I used to drive down windy rural Sonoma County roads in the middle of the night, from Cotati to Sonoma. Sometimes I'd be coming home from seeing rock shows at Inn of the Beginning, a few beers in me and some tasteless behavior behined me. The shows were fun, but the best part of the night would be getting into my car, where I could blast my music as loud as I wanted. I'd put in the best tapes I had and no matter what, those tapes always sounded better than any of the bands that played at the Inn.

It's been a while since I've done that. It's not a very good habit. I was never drunk enough to impair my vision or anything, but I was definetly drunk enough to get pulled over and arrested. I hardly ever go to shows anymore, and if I go to the bar it's usally one within walking distance, so it won't happen again any time soon. But I'm not going to lie about how driving drunk last night was fun.


Blogger Joe said...

You are busted! Never do that again. If you are too drunk to drive, just have somebody give you a ride home, or have me come pick you up. It is not worth the ticket and possibility of hitting someone. I've seen you drive, you drive crazy even when you're not drunk! Eh! I don't care how good the Stone Roses sound when you drive drunk, they're not gonna sound too good when you're in the drunk tank at 4:00 am in the Oakland jail. Busted! For sure. I still luh you, though.

10:12 AM  

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